Academic Advising

Advisor Assignment in the Academic Success Center
At the Academic Success Center, students benefit from tailored advisor assignments designed to support their academic journey. There are two primary types of advisor assignments available.- First, incoming new students, including first-time freshmen and freshmen transfer students, are assigned advisors based on their major and/or department. This ensures that students receive guidance from professionals knowledgeable in their specific field of study.
- Additionally, students on academic probation are also assigned advisors based on their major and/or department, providing targeted support to help them succeed and improve their academic standing.
Advisors by Department or Major
Qubieinique Greer offers advising for freshmen majoring in any of the agriculture emphasis areas: agribusiness, animal science, plant and soil science, and natural resource management.
Lerone Briggs offers advising for freshmen majoring in any majors in the social and behavioral sciences areas including Psychology, Criminal Justice, Political Science, Sociology and Social Work.
Lerone Briggs offers advising for freshmen majoring in any majors in humanities or communications.
Liz Morrow offers advising for freshmen majoring in the areas of science, technology or math.
Shelly-Ann Berth offers advising for freshmen in the School of Business in the following emphasis areas: business administration, marketing and accounting.
Rusheda Blake-David offers advising for freshman in the School of Education, majoring in elementary or secondary education. She also advises Wellness majors in the following emphasis areas: kinesiology, sports management and health promotions.
Candace Bisch offers advising for freshman in the School of Nursing.
- A-F: Candace Bisch
- G-L: Shelly-Ann Berth
- M-R: Rusheda Blake-David
- S-W: Liz Morrow
- X-Y-Z: Lerone Briggs
Academic Probation Advisor Assignment Based on Major
In the Academic Success Center (ASC), students placed on academic probation receive specialized support through advisor assignments based on their major. This targeted approach ensures that students receive guidance from advisors with expertise in their specific field of study, providing tailored support to help improve their academic performance. By aligning advisors with students' academic disciplines, the ASC fosters a more personalized and effective strategy for students to regain good academic standing and achieve their educational goals.We're Here To Help!
University College
Page Library, Lower level
P: 573-681-5016