Obtaining Alternative College Credit
A student at Lincoln University may obtain credit through several means other than the traditional classroom/semester format. Approved methods of obtaining alternative credit are as follows: 1) departmental credit-by-examination; 2) the College Level Examination Program (CLEP); 3) the Cooperative Education Program; 4) the Advanced Placement Program; 5) dual credit courses; and 6) experimental learning. The combined total number of credit-by-examination hours cannot exceed 30. The following standards will be observed:
- A student may receive credit only for courses numbered 100-299;
- A passing grade shall be equivalent to a "C" or better. However, if the student earns a passing grade, then the credit only and not the grade is recorded on the transcript. A failing grade is not recorded;
- Each examination may only be taken once;
- A student will not be permitted to sit for a credit-by-examination assessment if any one of the following conditions prevail:
- The student has previously earned a "D" or "F" grade in the course;
- The student is currently enrolled in the course; or
- It is within 30 calendar days of the student's expected date of graduation.
Departmental Credit-by-Examination
A student may take departmental examinations at the discretion of the individual departments. Guidelines listed above apply. The student should contact the department head to request permission to take an examination. A maximum of 20 hours may be earned in this manner as long as it does not exceed the total 30 hours for alternative credits. The student must be currently enrolled during the semester in which he/she elects to take the exam. The nursing program is granted an exception related to enrollment. Please contact the Department of Nursing Science regarding its procedure.
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a national program that offers the opportunity to obtain college credit through examination. Each participating institution determines which CLEP tests will be given and the amount of credits to be rewarded. Lincoln University will accept a maximum of 30 semester hours through CLEP. Guidelines listed above apply.
Note: To obtain credit for knowledge of the Missouri Constitution as required by state law, a student taking the CLEP examination in U.S. history must, in addition, take a locally administered examination on the state constitution.
Cooperative Education Program
Lincoln University, through the Cooperative Education Program, offers credit for internship (CEP 299). A student may obtain a maximum of 6 hours credit per semester and 3 hours per summer session, not to exceed a total of 15 hours of credit. All credit will be granted below the 300 level and will be elective credit unless otherwise approved in advance by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
A student selected to participate in the program must meet the following requirements:
- Have completed the sophomore year;
- Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0;
- Be recommended by his/her advisor and/or department head; and
- Receive the approval of the director of the Cooperative Education Program.
Fees for this program will be paid at the regular semester-hour rate. The student should contact the office of Counseling and Career Services for further information.
Advanced Placement Program
High school students displaying high ability in certain subject areas may be eligible for advanced placement and/or academic credit through the Advanced Placement Program (APP). Students who score a 3 or higher on a 5-point scale on any of the examinations are given credit for having completed the comparable college subject requirement. High school students may start early on a college curriculum by taking APP courses in English, foreign languages, music, art, the natural sciences, mathematics, and history. Specific information is available from the Office of Counseling and Career Services (304 Founders Hall) and from the Office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (319 Founders Hall).
Dual Credit Courses
Lincoln University provides a "dual credit courses" option as an opportunity for the highly motivated student to obtain college-level credit for courses taken while still enrolled in high school. A high school student who desires to enroll for dual credit (both high school and college) may do so in one of two ways. In the first instance, the student may enroll and attend classes on a college campus and arrange to receive high school credit in addition to the credit earned at the college. In the second instance, the student may enroll in a high school course which will be taught at a level comparable to that at which college instruction is provided. The student will earn both high school and college credit. The high school site will be the location of the instructional activity.
The following eligibility restrictions apply:
- Enrollment in a dual-credit course is restricted to high school juniors or seniors who have a minimum overall grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or the equivalent and are recommended by their high school principal or counselor. An exception is made for freshmen and sophomores who meet these requirements and score at the 90th percentile or above on the ACT or SAT.
- A student seeking to enroll for dual credit must be admitted to the University and must meet the academic prerequisites which both the high school and the University require; and
- A student who wishes to obtain dual credit in an approved course which is of year-long high school duration must have received a grade of "B" in the first semester of the course to be eligible to enroll for dual credit during the second semester of the course.
For further information, contact the Division of Continuing Education and Evening/Weekend Instruction (114 Martin Luther King Hall).
Experiential Learning
Students admitted into the Bachelor of Liberal Studies program may petition for credit for prior learning experiences. See Bachelor of Liberal Studies under the College of General Studies section for further information.
Advanced Placement and Credit in Foreign Language
Students who have completed one or more years of foreign language study in high school may be eligible for advanced placement into FRE or SPA 102, 203 or 204 and for academic credit for the prerequisite course or courses. Students must apply to the Department of Humanities, Fine Arts and Journalism prior to registration for advanced placement. Local placement tests will be administered by the foreign language faculty. Students who place into FRE or SPA 102, 203 or 204 may receive full credit for the prerequisite course or courses provided that they pass the course in which they enroll with a grade of "C" or better. For details and application deadlines, contact the Department of Humanities, Fine Arts and Journalism.