Title III

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Title III Program

Lincoln University’s Title III program office and staff will continually work to establish and strengthen our academic, administrative, and fiscal capabilities.


Guidelines for Requesting Title III/Professional Development Travel Funds 

Train-the-Trainer Travel Tips

  • In order to apply for Title III Train-the-Trainer Activity funds the applicant must be a full-time employee.
  • Professional development funds are available once in a federal fiscal year (October 1st - September 30th). Request for additional funding must be approved by the president.
  • The maximum travel amount is $2000. A separate requisition for reimbursement of overages to be created by department. 
  • Persons who fail to present an on-campus workshop, or create a blog, after a Title III funded Train-the-Trainer Activity will not be eligible to receive Train-the-Trainer funds during the following federal fiscal year.
  • The conference/workshop/seminar which the applicant plans to attend must be relevant to the area in which they are employed.

Title III Train-the-Trainer Travel Request Form

Important Information

  • Travel approval subject to funds available.
  • Once you complete the Title III application, please submit to: titleIII@LincolnU.edu

Please submit your travel request at least two weeks before you travel.


Lincoln University Missouri est. 1866
Regina Anderson
304B Young Hall
P: 573-681-5147
E: andersonr@LincolnU.edu