Transfer Credit

Do you need help with transferring credits to Lincoln University? We are here to help!
The Office of the Registrar is responsible for equating and applying transfer credit for students who come to us with previous college experience. All transfer documents should be sent (electronically or by mail) to the Lincoln University Office of Admissions. Once you are fully admitted, they will be sent on to the Office of the Registrar for transfer evaluation
Transfer Credit
Up to 90 credit hours can be transferred and equated when you come to Lincoln University. If your previous coursework is not directly equivalent to an LU course, you will receive ‘elective credit’ (denoted as 1XX-4XX) on your transcript.
To find out what courses at other schools have been approved for equivalent transfer, check our Transfer Database.
Equivalencies listed are subject to periodic review and update. Any schools or courses not listed in the Transfer Database will be evaluated for equivalency when official documents are received in the Office of the Registrar.
Classes taken at a non-Missouri school must have a ‘C’ or better to be transferred. Classes from Missouri schools can transfer with a ‘D’ or better, however all major courses and some general education classes require a ‘C’ or better to graduate. Transfer classes do not count in your GPA.
Credit for Non-Courses
Students can also receive credit for various sources other than previous coursework. Advanced Placement (AP) tests, CLEP exams, DSST, International Baccalaureate (IB), and military experience from Joint Service Transcripts (JSTs) are all accepted for credit towards your degree completion. All AP exams with a score of 3 or better will be accepted for the equivalent LU coursework. CLEP, DSST, and military experience are awarded credit based on the latest recommendation from the American Council on Education
Lincoln University follows the standard set by the Missouri Higher Education Core Transfer Curriculum. General Education classes taken at any other participating Missouri college (2-year or 4-year) will be guaranteed to transfer and fulfill the same General Education content area as the original school.
Students interested in transferring from another Core 42 Missouri school can use the Department of Education's Course Tracker to compare the courses at another school to see what equivalent course our content area will be met by transferring to Lincoln.