Summer Hours Through August 9, Lincoln is open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and closed on Fridays. 

Canvas Student FAQs

soldiers memorial

Canvas Access: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The rosters in Canvas are updated regularly with the Student Information System (SIS). However,
there is a delay for new enrollments to appear from the SIS. If you have registered for your course today or yesterday, please wait up to 48 hours for your account to be updated.

If you still don’t see your course, it might be that the course is not available at this time.

Because of the Student Information System (SIS), student activation in Canvas may take up to 72
hours after paying your bill. If after that time you still don’t have access to your courses, contact the
ITS Helpdesk at 573-681-5888.
All courses will become available to students one week before the start of the semester. Please note,
that not all professors have their Canvas sites built or visible, and NO assignments, quizzes or grade-earning activity is to happen during this time. We do this so you have access to your syllabus before
the start of classes.
Students have access to their courses and course content for two weeks after the semester ends. If
there is any work you wish to keep for portfolio reasons, please download them before the course
Some professors will not make the Assignments, Quizzes or Discussions section of Canvas available
to students. If these links are not available to you, a link to the appropriate assignment will be
found in the modules.
Your professor probably has “prerequisites” set up in the course. This means you must accomplish
something before the assignment or quiz is available to you. Canvas will tell you what to complete
before the assignment becomes available. LU Online advises you to NOT skip around. Do the work
in the order it is intended.
When it comes to McGraw-Hill, Pearson, and other publisher sites, Canvas is just the
path to another learning system. There is nothing LU Online can do to help you with this situation.
Please check all directions carefully and then contact your professor for assistance.

Assignments, Quizzes and Discussions: FAQs

No, not all written assignments go through TurnItIn. It is a professor’s choice to use this
plagiarism detection tool. If your professor is using it, your work must be submitted to TurnItIn.
The higher the score, the higher the plagiarism detected. TurnItIn reviews your submitted work
with other student work, scholarly journal articles, web pages and now AI trends. If you write a
paper using ChatGPT, TurnItIn may flag it as AI-created.
You need to reach out to your professor. They have the ability to open an assignment for a student
who needs more time.
If your professor allows you to submit other file types, just about any file type can be uploaded to
Canvas. Since Lincoln is a Microsoft 365 school, our Canvas will not necessarily accept a link to a
Google Doc. Use your Office 365 instead.
For assignments, you should see the rubric at the bottom of the assignment instructions. For a
discussion, the option to see the rubric is in the three-dot menu on the top right of the computer
The exam/quiz has a defined time limit or due date/time. When the time is up, Canvas will
automatically submit the exam/quiz and kick you out. There is nothing you can do to get back into
the exam/quiz. Discuss the situation with your professor.

Contact Us

Jay Rozema
Coordinator of Online Learning
Center for Online Learning
P: (573) 573-681-5205