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Liberal Studies

Are you looking for an undergraduate program that offers more flexibility than a typical degree program? Or maybe you're a non-traditional student looking to bolster your resume and credentials.

In either case, Lincoln University of Missouri's Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) degree is for you.

Administered through the School of Education, the BLS degree is not tied to a major in a specific field, like with other degrees. Instead, you'll build a strong academic foundation through general education classes and augment that with classes devoted to selected disciplines of your choosing.

Completion of a BLS degree requires 120 semester hours of academic credit. Learn more about the degree requirements.

As an undergraduate, you'll emerge from this program ready to build on the knowledge you've acquired and achieve success in graduate school or the job market. If you're a non-traditional student who's already in the workforce, this degree can help you build up skills and proficiencies related to your job and advance your career.

Liberal Studies Credits & Requirements

Credit for Experiential Learning

Here's how you can receive credits towards your Liberal Studies degree for prior learning experiences.

  • Petition for credit upon admission to the Liberal Studies program. The Liberal Studies Committee will complete an evaluation within 90 days of receipt of your application. Credit will not be officially posted to your transcript until you have completed 24 hours of satisfactory coursework in residence at Lincoln University.
  • Your petition for credit must include work experience verified by your supervisor or similar appropriate evidence.
  • Your petition must be approved by the faculty advisor and the Liberal Studies Committee.
  • No more than 12 hours of credit may be granted for prior experiential learning.
  • Credits earned for experiential learning may not exceed three hours for each year of full-time work experience.
  • Credits earned for experiential learning will count as lower-division elective credits.

Credit for Community Service

Here's how to earn credits towards your Liberal Studies degree by performing community service.

  • You may earn up to six hours of credit for participation in a community service project or cultural activity.
  • Before you participate in the service project or activity, you must obtain approval of the credit hours from the appropriate faculty advisor and the Liberal Studies Committee.
  • Credits earned for community service may not exceed one credit hour for every 30 hours of verified service.
  • Credits earned for community service will count as lower-division elective credit.

Admission Requirements

To be eligible for the BLS degree, you must:

  • Be admitted to the University
  • Submit an application and be formally approved for admission into the BLS program at least one semester prior to the semester of graduation
  • Be at least 21 years old at the time of application for admission
  • Have a grade average of "C" or better in previous college work. (If you have less than a "C" average and have been out of school for ten years or more, you may be admitted on a conditional basis.)

Please note also that if you have already earned a bachelor's degree, you are NOT eligible for the BLS program.