Types of Academic Appeals

Academic Suspension
Should a student on probation fail to raise his/her cumulative GPA to at least a 2.0 by the end of the probationary semester or earn at least a 2.5 GPA for that same semester, the student will be sent a notification letter informing the student that he/she has been suspended from the university.
Dismissal (formerly permanent suspension)
Any student who has not shown satisfactory academic progress after being placed on academic probation will be dismissed from the university and must file an ARC Appeal to apply for re-admission.
A student at Lincoln University may obtain credit through several means other than the traditional classroom/semester format. Approved methods of obtaining alternative credit are as follows:
1) departmental credit-by examination;
2) College Level Examination Program (CLEP);
3) Cooperative Education Program;
4) Advanced Placement Program;
5) dual credit courses; and
6) experiential learning.
The combined total number of credit-by-examination hours cannot exceed 30. The following standards will be observed:
A student may receive credit only for courses numbered 100-299;
A passing grade shall be equivalent to a "C" or better. However, if the student ears a passing grade, then the credit only and not the grade is recorded on the transcript. A failing grade is not recorded;
Each examination may only be taken once;
A student will not be permitted to sit for a credit-by examination assessment if any of the following conditions prevail:
The student has previously earned a "D" or "F" in the course;
The student is currently enrolled in the course; or
It is within 30 calendar days of the student's expected date of graduation.
Transfer Credit
A student enrolled at Lincoln University desiring to earn credits at another institution of higher education as a University student and have those credits applied toward a degree at Lincoln University must seek the written approval of the Records Office and other appropriate University officials. Approval must be obtained prior to taking the particular course(s). The form (Certification of Transfer Credits) may be obtained through the Records Office.
Students not currently enrolled at Lincoln University (and/or not in good academic standing with the University) who wants to have transfer work reviewed and accepted by the university must submit an academic appeal to the Chair of the Academic Routine Committee.
Waiver of Residence Requirement
Credit hours completed in regular classes, including conference courses, offered by Lincoln University on the main campus or any other locations are said to be completed in residence. All students including students who transfer to Lincoln University from another institution, must satisfy the following minimum residence credit requirements: A minimum of 30 credit hours of 300- and/or 400-level courses work must be successfully completed in residence to obtain a baccalaureate degree; a minimum of 12 of these 30 semester hours must be in the major and, if a minor is declared, at least 6 of these 30 hours must be in the minor.
*The definitions provided are taken from the Lincoln University 2015-2017 Undergraduate Bulletin, unless otherwise indicated by the committee. The above-mentioned appeals do not represent a comprehensive list of appeals heard by the ARC.