Summer Hours Through August 9, Lincoln is open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and closed on Fridays. 

Program Partners

LUEA has been developed in direct partnership with several state agencies, including ...

  • Department of Social Services
  • Department of Economic Development
  • Department of Mental Health
  • Office of Administration – Information Technology Services Division
  • Department of Natural Resources
  • Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development.

Lincoln University will oversee management of the program through its Financial Services Office, Career Services and Office of Admissions. State partners have agreed to directly support the program through financial assistance as available, support for curriculum development, provision of instructors, and the establishment of dedicated internships.

LUEA will serve all of Lincoln University’s constituents, including incoming freshman and graduating seniors. A long-term goal is to serve additional Missouri populations, such as returning/advancing professionals and nontraditional students. An explicit focus of the program will target minority and underrepresented populations, which often experience higher than average unemployment rates.