Honorary Degree Committee

The purpose of this committee is to assist the Vice President of Academic Affairs with making recommendations of individuals to the President and ultimately to the Board of Curators of persons deemed worthy of being awarded an Honorary Degree from Lincoln University.
As you know, the awarding of an honorary degree is a chance to bring attention to deserving individuals as well as allow the university to establish a beneficial relationship with these individuals.
The primary duty of this committee will be to invite nominations from the general Lincoln community, and serve as a clearinghouse for the recommendations pursuant to the Rules and Regulations. Those who serve on this ad hoc committee will be asked to serve for up to two (2) years.
All nominations are referred to the Honorary Degree Committee, whose recommendation is transmitted by its chairperson to the University President. After review and approval by the President, the nominee's name and supporting documents are submitted to the Board of Curators for Lincoln University for formal action.
- Nominations for Honorary Degrees are to be submitted in confidence to the Committee by any member of the University community: faculty, staff, administrators, students, alumni, or friends of the University.
- Deliberations of this committee are strictly confidential.
- Nomination materials need not be extensive but should indicate the extraordinary nature of the candidate's life and contributions and should document the support of appropriate campus constituencies. The selection process involves two stages: screenings review and full review. The committee will screen nominees and forward recommendations to the President based on a majority affirmative vote of the members present.
The honorary doctorate is among the highest recognition that Lincoln University bestows. By awarding honorary doctorates to women and men of notable achievement in their respective field and/or public service, the University seeks to acknowledge and laude their accomplishments. All individuals, both external and internal stakeholders at the university, should recognize in the honorary degree recipients qualities that ought to be emulated.
Since persons from any segment of the University community can initiate nominations for an honorary doctorate, the achievements of individuals that prompt nominations will reflect the broad spectrum of values expressed in contemporary culture. The University is committed to selecting those nominees most appropriate for recognition as exemplary models.
- Hon. D.A. Honorary Doctor of Arts
- Hon. D.A.H. Honorary Doctor of Arts and Humane Letters
- Hon. D.B. Honorary Doctor of Business
- Hon. D.D. Honorary Doctor of Divinity
- Hon. D.F.A. Honorary Doctor of Fine Arts
- Hon. D.H.L. Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters
- Hon. D.L.A. Honorary Doctor of Liberal Arts
- Hon. LL.D. Honorary Doctor of Laws
- Hon. Litt.D. Honorary Doctor of Letters
- Hon. D.Sc. Honorary Doctor of Science
- Hon. D.Math Honorary Doctor of Mathematics
- Hon. D.Univ. Honorary Doctor of the University
- Hon. D.Litt. Honorary Doctor of Letters
For all honorary degree nominees, scholarly, creative, professional, service, or occupational achievements should be placed within the framework of making a substantial impact and the public good. Nominees for the honorary degree should have demonstrated in their life and their work high standards of excellence as evidenced by the following criteria of scholarship, creative activity, or public service.
Other Limitations
- The honorary degree may not be awarded in absentia.
- No more than seven (7) honorary degrees will be awarded at a commencement exercise.