Lincoln University Accreditations

Lincoln University Accreditations

Accreditation and State Authorization 

Lincoln University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and a member of the North Central Association (NCA). HLC's most recent comprehensive evaluation of the University was completed in 2023. 

Because institutions necessarily evolve over time, HLC regularly collects information from each to ensure they are still operating in a manner that warrants accreditation. At Lincoln University, an annual Institutional Data Update is completed by the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment and the Office of the Provost.

Learn more about the HLC 

Statement of Accreditation Status

Further questions regarding the University's relationship with the HLC should be directed to the Office of the Provost ( 

Specialized Accreditations

While accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission extends institution-wide, several colleges, schools, departments, and programs within the University seek and maintain accredited status with other bodies, as well.


The University also holds institutional membership in the following organizations:

lincoln university academic logo

Contact Us

Office of the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

Dr. Stevie Lawrence II
206 Young Hall
820 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: (573) 681-5074