VP of Administration and Finance

Office of Administration and Finance
The Vice President for Administration and Finance is the Chief Financial Officer of the University and reports to the President of the University. The Vice President for Administration and Finance is responsible for providing executive level direction and management oversight for financial planning, budgeting and budget analysis, accounting and business operations, finance controls and reporting, sponsored programs, campus maintenance and development, risk management and insurance, space planning and construction, facilities and grounds operations, purchasing and contracts, financial aid and student accounts. Specific units reporting to the Vice President for Administration and Finance include Comptroller's Office, Facilities and Planning; including Richardson Auditorium, Student Financial Services, and Information Technology Services.
Jeffrey Barlow serves as the newly appointed Vice President of Administration and Finance (July 2022). Prior to joining Lincoln University, Jeff served as both an Assistant Commissioner of Higher Education and the Director of Fiscal and Budget at the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development since 2017. In that role, Mr. Barlow oversaw the annual budget of $1.5 billion and supervised contracts, budget, fiscal and grants units. Additionally, he helped coordinate the development and expenditure of millions in federal funding related to the Covid pandemic. Overall, Jeff has worked in budget and fiscal management roles in Missouri's legislative, judicial, and executive branch agencies in Missouri since moving to Jefferson City after college. He was also a Fellow of the Performance Institute and served as faculty for the Institute for Court Management in addition to serving as a grants consultant and speaker nationally-teaching for organizations such as the National Distance Learning Association, Polycom, CISCO Systems and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Missouri Police Chief's Association and the Missouri Sheriff's Association.
He holds a Master's degree in Public Administration from the University of Missouri, Bachelor's degree in Political Science from College of the Ozarks and completed a two-year national fellowship in Court Management from the National Center for State Courts. Jeff is committed to ensuring both transparency and accountability of the financial resources provided to the University from students, families, donors as well as from State and Federal appropriations and grants.
General/Auxiliary Fund Budgets
Jeff Barlow
Vice President, Administration and Finance
Office of Administration and Finance
820 Chestnut Street Young Hall Room 306
Jefferson City, MO 65101
E: BarlowJ@LincolnU.edu
P: 573-681-5073
Erin Brindisi
Sr. Project Support Coordinator for Finance
820 Chestnut Street Young Hall Room 306
Jefferson City, MO 65101
E: BrindisiE@lincolnu.edu
P: 573-681-5071
F: 573-681-5072