Facilities and Planning

outside front library image

Facilities & Planning

Welcome to the Office of Facilities and Planning. Our department is dedicated to provide support to Lincoln University main and extension campus locations in the planning, design and construction of facilities.

We are committed to utilizing our resources to best serve our students, faculty and staff.  It is our goal to allocate adequate resources to address critical deferred maintenance projects through the focused assessment and efficient use of available assets in alignment with the University's strategic plan.

Our projects are prioritized and assessed through the Board of Curators Facilities Committee on a regular basis. The committee reviews and prioritizes projects requiring board review to meet the needs of the university, faculty, staff and students.

Public Notice To Contractors

For all contracts with Lincoln University, MBE/WBE/SDVE provisions apply, please learn more by visiting "Doing Business with LU."

Current Bids  Doing Business with LU

Campus Forms

For the Lincoln University campus, please see forms below.

Lincoln University logo

Greg Hayes
Director of Facilities
P: 573-681-5088
E: LUFacilitiesPlanning@LincolnU.edu

Landyn Smith
Construction Manager
P: 573-681-5887
E: SmithL2@LincolnU.edu

Ashley Vaught
Facilities Coordinator
P: 573-681-5084
E: VaughtA@LincolnU.edu

Robert Reed
Engineer Manager
P: 573-681-5076
E: ReedR@LincolnU.edu