Summer Hours Through August 9, Lincoln is open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and closed on Fridays. 

Unallowable Expenses

The following expenses are not allowed:

  • Expenses incurred while at an employee's residence.
  • Expenses incurred traveling to and from the employee's residence and the primary worksite.
  • Meal or lodging expenses incurred while in the city of the employee's primary worksite. Reimbursement may be made for a meal charge at the primary worksite IF it is incurred as part of a department or agency-required meeting AND has prior approval by the area supervisor as being for the benefit of the university and not the employee. The nature of the meeting must be indicated on the Travel Expense Voucher (TEV).
  • Expense incurred for the employee's sole benefit and not the benefit of the university. This includes:
    • Any type of insurance
    • Travel loan finance charges
    • Personal credit card charges
    • Valet services
    • Media charges
    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Extra meals
    • Room service
    • Newspapers and magazines
  • Items generally considered in excess of normal business needs, such as:
    • First class airfare
    • Resort hotels
    • Luxury restaurants
  • Expenses pertaining to private insurance. Employees should carry personal and vehicle insurance, including liability. The university is not liable for physical damage incurred to a private vehicle or to personal property while traveling. Likewise, the university is not liable for injury to passengers in a private vehicle.
  • Incidental expenses such as internet services, postage, metered parking, copying, and small emergency supplies unless necessary to the performance of official business. Paid receipts are required for reimbursement.
  • Travel expenses incurred by another university employee.
  • Travel expenses incurred by an employee's spouse or family members.

Travelers are NOT allowed lodging or meal expenses when it would be more economical and advantageous to the University for the traveler to return to the primary worksite or residence, unless extenuating circumstances occur, such as inability to travel due to inclement weather.

Travelers who incur any expenses outside those outlined above as allowable must provide a justification, along with receipts, on the TEV. Reimbursement for such items is subject to review and is not automatic.