Payroll FAQs

- Salaried Faculty and Staff
- Payday is the last working day of the month.
- Adjunct Employees
- 16-week duration: pay divided into 4 equal increments and paid as follows:
- Fall semester: September through December
- Spring semester: February through May.
- 8-week duration: pay divided into 2 equal increments and paid as follows:
- 1st 8-weeks Fall semester: September & October
- 2nd 8-weeks Fall semester: November & December
- 1st 8-weeks Spring semester: February & March
- 2nd 8-weeks Spring semester: April & May
- 16-week duration: pay divided into 4 equal increments and paid as follows:
- Hourly Employees
- Payday is on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a non-work day, payday is on the last working day of the preceding week.
- Casual/Temporary Employees
- Payday is on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a non-work day, payday is on the last working day of the preceding week.
- Student Assistants
- Payday is on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a non-work day, payday is on the last working day of the preceding week.
- College Work Study/Financial Aid Student Workers
- Payday is on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a non-work day, payday is on the last working day of the preceding week.
If you have questions concerning earnings or taxes, please contact the Payroll Office or call to make an appointment to discuss any issues.
If you have questions concerning leave balances or benefit enrollment, please contact Human Resources.
Student Assistant employees are paid via department funds and are authorized to work only after a Student Employment Request (SER) is completed and approved. The SER needs to be submitted prior to a student starting work. The form is to be completed by the department and signed by the Department Head. The form will then be submitted for approval to Financial Aid, the Budget Office and to the Human Resource Office. The form is fully approved when it reaches the Human Resource Office fully signed.
A 'Departmental' employee is a term used prior to new forms and approval practices being set in place for Student Assistants.
College Work Study is a federally funded grant program based on student needs. The Financial Aid Office oversees and administers the program. The unique CWS—Financial Aid College Work-Study Timesheet is available at the Financial Aid Office (Room 103 in Young Hall).
If you are a regular hourly, casual appointment or Student Assistant employee, please use the Monthly Timesheet for Non-Exempt Hourly Employees for keeping track of your hours during the month. Please complete all information at the top of the form, or have your supervisor complete it. Information about funding source and rate of pay ARE important items. Please ensure the timesheet is submitted promptly, no later than the first work day of the next month, to the Payroll Office. View specific timelines.
If you are a College Work Study/Financial Aid student worker, please contact the Financial Aid Office (Room 103 in Young Hall) for a timesheet that is specifically for your use.
If you are a salaried employee, please contact your department head or supervisor about what method of tracking you will need to follow - or contact Human Resources.
Submit your banking information via Self Service, Banking Information Payroll Deposits to have your pay deposited into your bank account. If you have not set up your banking information for payroll prior to the payroll cutoff date, your check will be released at the Cashier's Office located at Young Hall: Room 105.
Regular non-exempt hourly and Casual Appointment employees as well as Student Assistants should keep track of their daily hours worked from the 1st through 31st of the month. Completed timesheets are due to the Payroll Office on the first working day of the month after just worked.
Salaried employees follow a normal monthly payroll schedule. They are paid on the last working day of the month.
Regular non-exempt hourly or casual employees and Student Assistants timesheets are due to the Payroll Office the first work day after the month just worked (Example: July 1 to 31 hours are due the first working day in August). Financial Aid student employee hours are due to Financial Aid on the 22nd of the month for the hours worked from the 20th of the previous month to the 21st of the current month.
In general, PTRs need to be submitted and fully approved/signed 10 to 15 days prior to the payroll date. View upcoming PTR due dates here. Keep in mind the full extent of the signature process and allow adequate time.
No. Federal work-study earnings are taxable earnings.
Being able to claim exemption from withholding will depend on your individual circumstances. Please refer to Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax at IRS.GOV for specific information.
In general, you cannot claim exemption from withholding if (a) your income exceeds $950 and includes more than $300 of unearned income (for example, interest and dividends) and (b) another person can claim you as a dependent on his or her tax return (Source - view PDF on
Form W-4 instructs the University of your desired tax withholding status. Please consider completing a new Form W-4 each year and when your personal or financial situation changes.
For those employees that do not complete a W-4 form, the maximum withholding status will be applied (IRS Pub. 15; Circular E, Sect. 9). For advice on withholding status, you might consult with a family member or a tax advisor. Also, the IRS.GOV website has a Withholding Calculator to help you calculate your status on the Form W-4.
NOTE: University representatives are prohibited from providing tax advice.
The University uses codes to denote different payment types or tax status. The following are some normal codes found on University checks:
- REG - Regular earnings
- CAS - Casual Appointment earnings
- ADJ - Adjunct faculty earnings
- OVL - Overload earnings
- STU - Student employment earnings
- CWS - College Work-Study earnings
- VPO - Vacation payout/earnings
- MED - Medicare
- SOC - Social Security
- FWM - Federal Withholding, Married
- FWS - Federal Withholding, Single
- MOM - Missouri State Withholding, Married
- MOS - Missouri State Withholding, Single
- MOH - Missouri State Withholding, Head of Household
- SLT - St. Louis Local Income Tax Withholding
- KCMO - Kanas City Local Income Tax Withholding
Yes. Log in to the LU Blue Tiger Portal. Click on the Self Service link. From the Home icon select "Employee". Then, click "Earnings Statements". This link will list your current year of checks issued by check date. Select the check you need to view or print and it will open in a new page. Print as you would any other web page. If you need a previous year's check, select from the drop down menu the year needed and select the check date.
If you do not have access to Self Service please call or email the Payroll Office and we can help troubleshoot any access problems.
Yes. Log in to the LU Blue Tiger Portal. Click on the Self-Service link. From the Home icon, select "Employee." Then, click "Tax Information". You will need to consent to view/print your statements so you can view and print your statement.
If you do not have access to Self-Service, please call or email the Payroll Office, and we can help troubleshoot any access problems.