Financial Forms

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Accounts Payable
Request for Check
Generally, Accounts Payable issues checks to pay a vendor upon receipt of an invoice with a valid purchase order. However, there are instances when a check must be written without an invoice. In these circumstances, the Request for Check Form must be used to notify Accounts Payable to issue the check. View instructions on preparing the Request for Check form.
Travel Expense Voucher (TEV)
The Travel Expense Voucher (TEV) is used to reimburse a traveler for expenses incurred that have not been paid for or reimbursed by any other source. View instructions on preparing the Travel Expense Voucher.
Performance Verification Form
Office of the Comptroller
Request for Petty Cash
The Request for Petty Cash Form is used for emergency purchases where time and convenience do not allow for the normal purchasing process. View instructions on preparing the Request for Petty Cash.
Per Diem Rates
These are the current per diem rates in the continental United States (CONUS) for meals and incidental expenses.
Grant Accounting Office
Request for Budget Revision
The Request for Budget Revision Form is used when the approved budget allocations don't meet the project needs. In these circumstances, the Request for Budget Revision is used to obtain approval to reallocate funds within a budget.