Faculty Listing Policy

Faculty name format for website

Faculty Listings for Academic Departments on Lincoln University Website
All faculty listings on departmental and university pages of the Lincoln University website should be uniform in format with a consistent style. Use the following format:

Name, highest academic degree, certifications
LU Office/Title (Dean, Department Head, etc.) if applicable
Academic Title (assistant professor, associate professor, professor, instructor, adjunct), Subject
Campus address (room number, building — no street address unless not in a campus building)
Campus phone number
LU email address

Style notes:

No courtesy titles (Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc.)

Military officer’s rank precedes a name when relevant (e.g., Military Science Department)

Academic degrees (except MBA) have periods; certifications do not have periods.

  • Degree examples: A.A.S., B.A., B.S., B.S.N., M.A., M.F.A., M.S., M.S.Ed., M.S.N., M.D., Ph.D., Ed.D., J.D., L.L.D., but MBA
  • Certification examples: RN, NP, LPN, PA, CRNA, CRRN, CNA, CPA, PMP

Campus address begins with room number, then building name (spelled out, no abbreviations).

Format phone numbers with hyphens (573-XXX-XXXX); no parentheses, no dots.

For email addresses, which are set up as last name first name initial, capitalize the first letter of the last name and the first name initial (see examples below). Display full email address, not an email link.


Name, Ph.D.
Department Head
Title, Department 
Room Number, Building Name 