Pregnant and Parenting Students Policy
To describe the University’s commitment to provide a supportive learning environment for pregnant and parenting students.
Additional Authority:
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
This policy applies to those seeking admission, currently admitted, and those students enrolled at the University.
Responsible Party:
Title IX Office
Policy Statement
The University seeks to treat all students equitably, regardless of their actual or potential parental or familial status. It is the policy of the University to provide appropriate, reasonable adjustments to educational programs and activities to support Pregnant and Parenting Students.
This policy establishes a process for Pregnant and Parenting Students to request and obtain adjustments to educational programs and activities allowing them to continue their education at the University.
The University encourages Pregnant and Parenting Studies to seek adjustments at the earliest opportunity, so that the University is in the best position to help the Student continue with a course of study.
A student in need of an educational adjustment should submit a request to the Title IX Office. If a student is unable to submit a request because of her condition, an appropriate representative of the student may contact the Title IX Office on her behalf and the student may confirm the request when she becomes able to do so.
The Title IX Office will consult with the student/appropriate representative and appropriate University Officials, including faculty members and Department chairs, to coordinate an educational adjustment that is appropriate for the student. In the event the Title IX Office receives a request for adjustment that may be covered by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or the Americans with Disabilities Act, the request will be sent to the Center for Access and Ability.
An educational adjustment under this policy may include an excused leave of absence for as long as medically necessary. To request a leave of absence and accompanying academic adjustments under this policy, a student should follow the request procedure outlined above. Such a leave should be documented in the Education Plan for Pregnancy Leave of Absence, which is signed by both the student and the Title IX Coordinator.
- If reasonable, a student will be given extra time to make up coursework and tests missed during the leave of absence. Whether or not it is reasonable to grant a student extra time to make up course work and tests missed will be determined by the Title IX Coordinator/ADA/504 Compliance Officer, appropriate faculty members, and the Department Chair. This determination will be based on, among other things, the length of the absence requested and the ability of the student to complete coursework outside of the classroom.
- If it is unreasonable for a student to receive extra time to complete a course, the student will be given the option to withdraw from the class without penalty.
- Pregnant or Parenting Students who must take a medically necessary extended leave of absence (generally no longer than 180 days) shall be allowed to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as before the leave began.
A complete copy of the University’s Title IX Pregnant and Parenting Students Policy can be accessed via the Pregnant and Parenting Students Policy PDF. Hard copies are available at Lincoln University, B-2 Young Hall, 820 Chestnut Street, Jefferson City, Missouri, 65101.