Accident Reporting

Accident Reporting
Non-vehicular accidents or incidents: On-campus
The state legal expense fund is available for the payment of any statutory allowable claim or any amount required by a final judgment rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction against the State of Missouri or any agency of the state. See Sections 105.711, 537.600, RSMo. Before a claim can be considered under the fund, Risk Management must first determine that a dangerous condition of property existed, as required by the statutes.
Student or Visitor Injury
When a student or visitor to Lincoln University property is injured, Lincoln University's Police Department (LUPD) MUST be notified at the time of the accident either in person or by telephone.
Lincoln University should offer assistance to the injured party by offering to call an ambulance or a family member. If the individual appears to be seriously injured, then an ambulance should be called. To call an ambulance, simply call 9-1-1.
LUPD will send their completed accident form to the Purchasing Department within 24 hours. The Purchasing Department will complete the required forms to report the incident (Automobile Loss Notice Form # MO300-0068) to the State within 48 hours. All claims shall be reviewed and a determination of liability will be made by the State OA - Risk Management office and State Attorney General's Office.
Employee Injuries
Contact your Director or Human Resources.
Other Incidents
Contact LUPD. LUPD will notify Purchasing If state property is involved in the incident or if there are potential risk issues.
Vehicular Accidents: Off-campus
A driver involved in an accident in a Lincoln University vehicle or rental vehicle must contact the nearest law enforcement official. Do not make any statement concerning assumption of liability. Give only the information required by the law enforcement authorities. Do not sign any statements except those required by law enforcement or Risk Management Officials.
Lincoln University vehicles must have a liability card in the vehicle certifying liability coverage. Rental vehicles should have a copy of the rental agreement in the vehicle. Law enforcement officials may request these documents.
Gather pertinent facts related to the incident as follows:
- Obtain the name, address, vehicle registration, driver license number and phone number of other drivers and information of any other persons involved.
- Obtain insurance information from the other drivers including phone number and information on any other persons involved.
- Get the names and addresses of all available witnesses to the accident.
- Obtain the police accident report number. Request a copy of the police report and forward to Lincoln University Purchasing Department.
- Record facts about the vehicle property damage and any damage to their property.
Report the accident to the Purchasing Department of Lincoln University within 24 hours by either calling 573-681-5417 or e-mailing If the accident involves a motor pool vehicle, notification must be made to BOTH the Purchasing Department and the motor pool.
- You will be expected to provide detailed information to Purchasing regarding the incident.
- Purchasing will complete in full an Automobile Loss Notice Form #MO 300-0068 and submit this form on behalf of Lincoln University. Purchasing is required to forward reports to Risk Management, Office of Administration within 24-48 hours after the accident.
- Purchasing will provide a courtesy notification of the incident to Lincoln University's Police Department.
Vehicular Accidents: on-campus
Notify the Lincoln University Police Department (LUPD, 681-5555). If state property is involved in the incident or there are potential risk issues, LUPD will send their completed accident form to the Purchasing Department within 24 hours. The Purchasing Department will complete the required forms to report the incident (Automobile Loss Notice Form # MO300-0068) to the State Office of Risk Management within 48 hours. All claims shall be reviewed and a determination of liability will be made by the State Office of Risk Management and State Attorney General's Office.
LUPD will obtain information from the driver of the other vehicle:
- Full name of driver
- Contact information
- License number, type of license
- Damage location(s) and photographs if applicable
- Other pertinent information if required