Mail Services


Mail Services for Students

Welcome to Lincoln University - your home away from home. Please know that our team is here to assist Mail Services with  all your mail-related needs. If you are looking for letters, your Residential Director (RD) will pick-up all letter mail and deliver conveniently to each residence hall. 

If you are looking for a package, please bring your campus i.d. to pick-up packages in the mail room located at Shipping & Receiving 1002 Chestnut Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101. (Located next to the Softball Field.)


Lincoln University Missouri logo
Hours of Operation:
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
P: (573) 681-5442

Mail Services for Faculty & Staff

All faculty and staff working on the Lincoln University - Missouri, Jefferson City Campus mailroomcampus can pick-up department mail from Room 115 Young Hall. 

Each campus unit has been assigned a mailbox and key for secure access. Mailbox keys are issued and maintained by Facilities and Planning. If you have issues with a mailbox key, need a replacement key, or lose a key, email:

Mail Transmittal Form   

Faculty & Staff Procedures


  • Mail Services staff will deliver to Young Hall Room 115 Monday-Friday between 1-2:30 p.m.
  • Large boxes and bulk mail will be directly delivered to units.
  • Mailboxes are expected to be checked every day!
  • If an assigned mailbox is too full to receive additional mail, excess mailwill be held at Shipping and Receiving.


  • Deadline for outgoing mail (interdepartmental and off-campus) is 2:30 p.m. MondayFriday.
  • A mail transmittal form should be attached to outgoing mail
  • If overnight delivery is required, package(s) must be clearly marked with a note requesting overnight delivery and a mail transmittal form attached. 
  • If bulk mail or boxes are to be mailed, contact mailservices@lincolnu.eduby 1 p.m. for pickup.
  • Interdepartmental mail should be submitted in the Campus Mail slot. 
  • If you have missed the 2:30 p.m. deadline, you can still bring mail to Shipping & Receiving, 1002 Chestnut St., until 5 p.m.

Contact Us

Cole Abbott
Shipping and Receiving Manager
108 SRS
P: (573) 681-5419
Kierra Lindsey
Shipping and Receiving Clerk
108 SRS
P: (573) 681-5419
Joshua Sowerwine
Shipping and Receiving Clerk
108 SRS
P: (573) 681-5419