
What you can expect from Purchasing
Fast Action
Although we encourage you to allow 2 weeks for processing of your requisitions due to the periodic demand, many requisitions are processed within 5 working days after they are received in our department. Inadequate information on your requisition will delay the processing of a Purchase Order. - Follow-Up
We have a routine follow-up system, however you should feel free to request a special follow-up.
- A Visit
We would be glad to come and visit with you and study your needs. Call us and we will make time for you.
- Excess or Surplus Property
You may find more information at Surplus Property or you can call us for assistance.
- Shipping
We will help you with packing and shipping. Call us and we will be glad to help you.
- Cooperation
You can expect us to be cooperative, unless your request is contrary to proper and ethical business practices or University policies and procedures.
What you cannot expect from Purchasing
- Technical Evaluation & Decisions
We need your expertise on this.
- Changing Requisitions Without Notice
Unless it is a minor change - (e.g. wrong address, transposed numbers). Major changes are referred back to you.
- Error Free Performance
From time to time we do make errors. Call us and let us know, we will gladly correct them.
- Purchase Order Numbers
We cannot issue a P.O. number prior to receiving a properly executed requisition.
- Status of Order
To obtain the status of an order, please provide us with either the requisition or PO number and we will assist you.