Interactive Data

Each of the links below will take you to a different workbook of interactive data. We recommend Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for best performance.
General Data Dashboards
Career Outcomes - This dashboard contains outcomes data for students that have earned an undergraduate degree from Lincoln University.
Historical Data - These dashboards contain fall enrollment data disaggregrated by academic level from 1987 - present, disaggregated by race and gender from 1995 - present, and fall cohort demographics, retention, and graduation, starting from 1995 (when the fall cohorts were created and cohort reporting to IPEDS began).
Facts & Figures-Semester - These dashboards contain student enrollment and demographic data for Lincoln University students across the last 5 years. Data includes categories for race/ethnicity, gender, program, and category (such as first time freshmen) is available, among others.
Facts & Figures - Academic Year - These dashboards contain student enrollment and demographic data for Lincoln University students across the last 5 years. Data includes categories for race/ethnicity, gender, program, and category (such as first time freshmen) is available, among others.
Fall Cohort Retention - NOTE: Users must be logged into the portal as FACULTY or STAFF to view these dashboards. These dashboards display multi-year retention data on the fall cohorts disaggregated by department/prorgram, gender, race/ethnicity, ACT composite score, and high school GPA.
Fall Cohort Graduation - NOTE: Users must be logged into the portal as FACULTY or STAFF to view these dashboards. These dashboards display multi-year graduation data on the fall cohorts disaggregated by department/prorgram, gender, race/ethnicity, ACT composite score, and high school GPA.
Assessment - These dashboards contain assessment data over the last 5 years from the Critical Thinking portion of the ACT CAAP test, ETS Major Field Tests, and another type of field exit exam, the ACAT (Area Concentration Achievement Test).
Degrees Conferred - Degrees awarded for the past five years, disaggregated by department/program, STEM status, gender, and race/ethnicity.
Course Evaluations - The most recent 4 years of course evaluation data, searchable by department, professor, and course. Unlike the data available through the Course Evaluations page, results can be disaggregated by student gender and race/ethnicity with results compared by question over time.
Course Grades - NOTE: Users must be logged into the portal as FACULTY or STAFF to view these dashboards, and some data is suppressed for small cell values to protect student privacy (each dashboard specifies the suppressed value limit). Includes the most recent 5 years of final grades data by semester, demographics, department, course, and section.
Employees - The most recent 5 years of employee data, disaggregated by position, employee category, gender, and race. Also includes faculty degree fields by highest degree earned.
First-Time Freshmen Profile - NOTE: Users must be logged into the portal as FACULTY or STAFF to view this dashboard. This shows the demographic and academic data in percentages of our first-time freshmen for the most recent 5 academic years.
Fall Cohort Profile - NOTE: Users must be logged into the portal as FACULTY or STAFF to view this dashboard. This shows the demographic, residence, department/program, and academic performance data on the fall cohorts.
Degree Recipient Profile - NOTE: Users must be logged into the portal as FACULTY or STAFF to view this dashboard. This shows the demographic, residence, and academic data in percentages of our degree recipients for the most recent 5 academic years, as well as the results of our Career Outcomes survey for students graduating during the 2016-2017 academic year.
Continuing Student Satisfaction Survey Results - NOTE: Users must be logged into the portal as FACULTY, STAFF or STUDENT to view this dashboard. This shows the results of the Continuing Student Satisfaction Survey, given to students after earning 75 credit hours prior to the administration of the General Education Test.
Angelette Prichett, EDS, MSW
Senior Director University Assessment
Office for Institutional Research and Assessment