Jefferson City Community Celebrates at Lincoln University of Missouri’s Second Annual Holiday Extravaganza

Jenny O'Donley | December 8th, 2023

The Jefferson City community joined Lincoln faculty, staff, and students for Lincoln University of Missouri’s second annual Holiday Extravaganza on Tuesday, December 5, 2023. The festive, community-focused event included free souvenir photos with Santa, cookies, ornament decorating and tree lighting — all with a special focus on Boys & Girls Club of Jefferson City. The event was open to the public and free of charge.

Volunteers from Lincoln University helping children

Volunteers from Lincoln University helped children with craft projects at Lincoln's Second Annual Holiday Extravaganza.

Lincoln President Dr. John Moseley kicked off the event with remarks focused on gratitude and a challenge. 

“My heart is full of gratitude … thankful for the fact that I get to serve at Lincoln University, thankful for our Lincoln family, and thankful for the students who entrust us to meet their needs,” said Moseley. “Regardless of where your travels take you this holiday season, I hope that Lincoln stays near and dear to your hearts.”

The Jefferson City community

The Jefferson City community filled the area at Lincoln University's Second Annual Holiday Extravaganza.

Moseley thanked Boys & Girls Club of Jefferson City CEO Wade Middaugh for attending and noted the importance of helping the community’s youth.

“For many, the holidays are about what gifts we receive, but I challenge all of us to think about what gifts we can give,” Moseley said. “To the adults here, I challenge each of us to look at these kids here tonight and to think about our responsibility to ensure they grow up in a world where all their dreams can come true.”

The celebration kicked off with the University’s official tree lighting on the campus quad. Lincoln University’s Choir, led by choir director Michelle Gamblin-Green, and the Lincoln University band performed holiday carols.

Lincoln University's band

Lincoln University's band performed for the community at Lincoln's Second Annual Holiday Extravaganza

Families enjoyed free activities at Santa’s Workshop in Lincoln’s Scruggs University Center. Kids of all ages had the opportunity to decorate their own cookie, color ornaments to take home and have their picture taken with Santa.

Children with Santa

Children had their picture taken with Santa for free at Lincoln University's Second Annual Holiday Extravaganza.

Photos from the event are available to view, share or download on Lincoln’s Flickr page.

Stripes poses with members of Lincoln University

Stripes poses with members of the Lincoln University community at Lincoln's Second Annual Holiday Extravaganza.

Students Community University News Press Release Faculty/Staff