Lincoln University of Missouri Army ROTC Cadets Participate in Summer Activities
Office of Communications and Marketing
Young Hall
820 Chestnut Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101

This summer, four Lincoln University of Missouri Army ROTC cadets — Quinton Ryerson, Victor Johnson, Blake Fischer and Brendan Berhorst — are achieving big things. Ryerson completed Army Air Assault training, Johnson and Fischer had the opportunity to participate in Robin Sage for two weeks and Berhorst graduated from advanced camp.
"Lincoln ROTC is proud of the accomplishments of these four cadets/LU students,” said Lieutenant Colonel Nick Bell, LU department head and professor of military science. “Each of them was challenged mentally and physically throughout their training while gaining confidence and leadership. Lincoln ROTC offers summer training opportunities every summer for students contracted in Army ROTC."
Founded by soldiers, Lincoln University, along with Army ROTC, expects nothing but the best from cadets. Leadership excellence is what each cadet should strive to achieve. All cadets must develop and improve their leadership skills by inspiring fellow cadets, members of the LU student body and their communities to strive for excellence in all facets of their everyday lives. Summer opportunities allow cadets to continue achieving greatness.
“I learned a lot and was very grateful for the experience,” Fischer said. “I made a lot of friends and got to learn what the Army Special Forces are about.”
Berhorst graduated on July 24 from advanced camp, a 35-day intense training event that all ROTC cadets from around the country complete as an assessment with their peers. It is a requirement to pass to commission as an officer after graduation. Berhorst is a criminal justice major and is in his final academic year at LU.
"What these students accomplished was not easy and they were definitely pushed to their limits physically and mentally,” LTC Bell said. “We encourage high school students or current LU students to consider ROTC as a way to propel your career in the Army after graduation. These students will come back ready to be, and I expect them to be, student leaders in ROTC and on campus for the fall semester."
The mission of Army ROTC is “to commission the future officer leadership of the United States Army and motivate young people to be better citizens.” Upon receiving a degree (bachelor’s or master’s) from LU and successful completion of the Army ROTC program, cadets may be commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the United States Army, Army Reserves or National Guard.
“You never know what kind of opportunities are out there for you, what you can achieve and who you can become,” Ryerson said. “There was a time that I thought most doors were closed for me, but I worked hard and refused to give up, so I was granted this opportunity by my ROTC instructors. I am thankful for them, for my program and for Lincoln University for providing me a second chance at my dream that at one point I didn’t think I was going to get. I do not plan for this to be the last army school I graduate from, and I look forward to achieving much more.”