Two Lincoln University of Missouri Students Selected as 2023 HBCU Scholars
Office of Communications and Marketing
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Jefferson City, MO 65101

Lincoln University of Missouri upcoming seniors Chyler Hughes and Kennedy Thompson have been accepted into the U.S. Department of Education White House Initiative on Advancing Equity, Educational Excellence and Economic Opportunity through Historically Black Colleges and Universities 2023 HBCU Scholar Recognition Program.
The program recognizes outstanding student leaders and further empowers them with tools for excellence. The Initiative received well over 250 applications, with nominations from 70 HBCUs. This year’s cohort consists of 101 HBCU scholars, which is the largest cohort in the history of the program. Scholars were picked from a talented group of students, and their selections were informed by presidential recommendation and endorsement by HBCU faculty. They were chosen due to a unique combination of academic achievements, campus leadership, civic engagement and entrepreneurial spirit.
Hughes is majoring in agriculture with an emphasis in natural resource management, is the vice president of LU’s agriculture club and is involved in the Rooted College Ministry on campus. Hughes also has an internship with the Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 this summer.
“I am looking forward to gaining valuable skills and resources to bring back to me at LU, as well as taking what I learned with me as a further my education in graduate school.” Hughes said. “I want to encourage other students to apply for this wonderful opportunity. I am very honored and excited to represent Lincoln.”
Thompson is majoring in psychology and minoring in English with an emphasis in creative writing. She’s a member of the National Association of Colored Women Club, president of creative writing club, a member of psychology club, a residential advisor and a member of Lincoln’s English Honors Society, Sigma Tau Delta.
“I look forward to learning more with like-minded people and expanding my knowledge on the excellence of Historically Black Colleges and Universities,” Thompson said.
As HBCU scholars, Hughes and Thompson will:
- Serve as student ambassadors for the Initiative and LU, ensuring information, resources and opportunities and distributed through the campus.
- Be invited to attend the 2023 Annual National HBCU Week Conference workshops, designed to help them learn and adopt promising practices in areas such as leadership, professional development, HBCU excellence and workforce development.
- Be invited to participate in monthly master classes hosted by the Initiative and various partners.
- Network with other scholars, federal agencies and private partners to showcase their individual collective talent across the HBCU community.
Hughes and Thompson will get to participate in the National Annual HBCU Week Conference in mid-September.
“Never limit yourself because you think you might not meet the criteria,” Thompson said. “Always aim for the moon, because regardless, you’ll land with the stars.”