Message from the President: Statement on the Killing of Tyre Nichols

January 31st, 2023

A Call for Positive Action from President John C. Moseley and Vice President of Campus Culture Gary Hill 

The killing of Tyre Nichols at the hands of law enforcement brings out our immediate, horrified outrage. How can this have happened again? This is a moment of intense, personal grief for his family, and our hearts and prayers go out to them for the loss of this young man. For our entire nation, this moment of shame and ultimate wrong deepens the wounds we struggle to heal. 

We share your anger, grief, and frustration. It is hard not to wonder if we will ever bring such senseless violence and acts of hatred to an end. As you process how to react and what the forward path is, we remind you that we stand together as Lincolnites. We are members of a campus community that was founded to rise above inequality by those who fought and offered their lives against injustice. 

It is our collective responsibility to honor those who have lost their lives fighting for change. We must always have the courage to do what is right. When our communities are faced with adversity, we must remember to have empathy, compassion and understanding. During this time, we must take a moment to heal from this tragic, unnecessary loss of life. We must heal together, so we may have the strength to care for one another. The only way we can promote positive change in our communities is together.

There is no us versus them. There is only us. Our own Lincoln University Law Enforcement Training Academy (LULETA) teaches integrity, accountability, and respect. These principles are needed to provide safety and security to our communities. The only way to honor those who have lost their lives through hate and injustice is by making positive changes and strengthening the human connections that bind us all. 

Your voice matters. Recommit yourself to your education and to your future and continue to rise together for good.

Finally, we are one Lincoln, and we are stronger through our support of each other. Please be mindful of your mental wellness and reach out if you need help. Students, please contact the Thompkins Health Center for information on counseling services — please email Katy Hamilton or call (573) 681-5164. To our employees, please utilize our Employee Assistance Program through Cigna for mental health resources.

John B. Moseley, Ed.D.



Gary Hill

Vice President of Campus Culture

Chief of Police

Students Faculty/Staff Community