A Message from President John B. Moseley, Ed.D.

September 23rd, 2022


I have long studied great leaders, and I am amazed by folks who can look at something, not for what it is, but for what it could be. That’s what excites me the most about having this opportunity to lead this great institution.

Lincoln University’s best days are ahead. Everyone who cares about Lincoln holds the responsibility to ensure the soldiers’ dreams thrive. Like you, I, too, am committed to expanding the growth and strengthening the reputation of Lincoln as a proud HBCU.

I’m reaching out to you today to share some of our recent successes, plus opportunities for you to support Lincoln’s future.

New Admissions Staff: This summer, we hired Dr. Danisha Williams as director of admissions, along with five full-time regional recruiters. These recruiters reside in the key recruitment areas that have produced nearly 80% of students over the past six years. Please get to know these recruiters and others on our admissions team and reach out to them directly with information on prospective students.

Enrollment Growth: This fall, our first-time student enrollment increased for the first time since 2017. More than 70% of these are students of color. Total enrollment, spanning 28 states and 31 countries, increased for the first time in 12 years.

Lincoln University student move-in day

New Initiative to Help First-Year Students Succeed: LU’s new First Year Success Initiative, designed to help underprepared students succeed academically in college, launched this fall with 80 students. Within this pilot program, groups of 20 students are each paired with a faculty leader, two faculty instructors, an academic coach, and a peer guide.

New Director of Tutoring and Mentoring: Dr. Richard Cross, a Lincoln alumnus, has been selected as our director of tutoring and mentoring. We invite our Lincoln alumni to step up and mentor a current Blue Tiger student. We will pair students with alumni from their hometowns and/or academic majors, so they connect with common interests. Please contact Mr. Andre Grinston if you are willing to serve as a mentor.

two people showing Lincoln pride

Scholarship Support: I want to recognize the Lincoln University Alumni Association for their contribution of $100,000 to support current students. I would also like to thank the 62nd and 65th Regiments Legacy Foundation for their contributions of over $200,000 in scholarships to Lincoln students over the 2022-23 school year. The financial contributions of both organizations help our students meet their financial need and make it possible for them to continue their educational journey. This is truly an example of what “The Power of Together” can make possible. If you are interested in endowing a scholarship, please connect with Mr. Justin Griffin, who can guide you through the process. You may also work with our friends at the 62nd and 65th Regiments Legacy Foundation.

As I mentioned at last week’s investiture, the day is ahead that Lincoln University becomes the “Blueprint” for teaching and learning, when our University is recognized and celebrated for its diversity, equity, and inclusion.

marching musical storm

There’s a time ahead where Lincolnites return to “the Hill” for more than just Homecoming, when we understand that we ALL play a role in the success of this great institution.

All of this — and more — is possible if each of us has the pride to not only wear the name across our chests but also holds the passion to make it happen.

To those that have and continue to support Lincoln University, thank you. We are committed to doing everything in our power to show our appreciation through the work that we do each day.

It is important for us to recognize that Lincoln University is bigger than any of us. In keeping with the University's oath, we all have a responsibility to ensure that we transmit this University to the next generation of Blue Tigers "better, greater, and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us."

We know where we are and we know where we want to go, and we will not get there operating in comfort. We must go beyond what we have done before. You can make a difference today by recruiting new students, mentoring current students, or giving to support our Blue TigersWe need your support.

Please join me as we transform Lincoln University through the Power of Together!


John B. Moseley, Ed.D.


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