Paula J. Carter Center on Minority Health and Aging

Paula J. Carter Center logoThe Paula J. Carter Center on Minority Health and Aging (PJCCMHA) improves the quality of life for Missouri's aging minority population by promoting health literacy and positive health behaviors in order to reduce disparities and inequities in access to health-related care. The Center provides leadership in addressing the health, social and psychological needs of minority and underserved people in Missouri aged 50 and over. This is accomplished through education, research-based information, policy analysis and the use of technology as strategic tools.

Gerontology - Minority Health and Aging

Missouri ranks 17th in the nation in the percentage of older adults age 65 years or older, according to the 2010 Missouri Census. Research shows that older minorities have poorer standards of living and less access to professional health care than their white counterparts. As such, PJCCMHA was created in conjunction with several state agencies to

  • provide education, training and research information on minority health and aging; 

  • provide technical assistance on minority aging issues and disseminate relevant information to Missouri audiences; 

  • develop innovative community-based demonstration programs that enhance the quality of life for Missouri's minority elders.


The center works to reduce disparities through the development of culturally and educationally appropriate programs provided through community outreach.  Here are some of our programs:

  • The Health and Resource Information Service provides information on disease symptoms, management, prevention and healthy lifestyles, exercise, nutrition and community resources. Visit our Paula J. Carter Center on Minority Health and Aging Newsletters web page here.
  • Missouri Institute on Minority Aging (MIMA) - is a forum to address health issues and provide solutions applicable to underserved senior citizens of Missouri.  MIMA includes educational presentations, which cover a variety of topics including chronic disease self-management, strategies for the delivery of health care information and programs and current research and data on health issues impacting older, underserved individuals.
  • The Lunch and Learn Series promotes the practice of healthy decision-making. It provides best practices for communities to consider as their population ages, including the dissemination of information on federal, state and community resources. The series includes topics on health care, nutrition, exercise, transportation, public safety, emergency services, housing, taxation and finance, workforce development, civic engagement/volunteer opportunities and aging/human services.
  • The Senior Summer and Fall Schools focus on particular special topics for discussion in regards to learning and staying abreast about different health and wellness subject matter.
  • Technology Advocacy Promotes the use of technology as a strategic tool for delivering information and services to our audience through conferencing capabilities. The Center has the ability to provide two-way audio and visual teleconferencing for distance learning and training programs via LUCE.

PJCCMHA Advisory Board

The center has an established advisory board to assist in determining annual priorities as they relate to health and aging issues and to provide community-based feedback.  The board is comprised of the following organizations and individuals: Primaris/CLAIM, Columbia, Missouri; SSM Health (Home Health), Jefferson City, Missouri; Office of Minority Health, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services; Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services – Bureau of Senior Programs, Divisions of Senior and Disability Services, Jefferson City, Missouri; Jefferson City Police Department, Jefferson City, Missouri; Crime Victim's Advocate for the Cole County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, Jefferson City, Missouri; Chapter Alzheimer's Association, Columbia, Missouri and two senior community members (Columbia and Fulton, Missouri).

Paula J. Carter Center on Minority Health and Aging (PJCCMHA)
900 Leslie Boulevard
Lorenzo J. Greene Hall, Suite A
Jefferson City, MO  65101

Phone: (573) 681-5530
Fax: (573) 681-5534
Twitter: @pjccmha
Facebook: @pjccluce

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